Register now for "Fashion in Good Taste" Tour and Lunch Sept 17th
Register now for "Fashion in Good Taste" Tour and Lunch Sept 17th

The Mission of Benefactors of Education, Inc. is to provide substantial support for underserved students and prospective students in the Fashion Industry and The Arts in the form of grants, scholarships, workshops and resource information helpful to achieving successful careers in the Fashion Industry and The Arts.

Marguerite F. Simon Youth Inspiration Award Recipients

Presentation of the Ann Moore College Scholarship


We are completely redesigning our annual fundraising event and we will draw from the best of what we have done in the past and blend it with totally new and innovative ideas for our future Scholarship Fundraisers!


You won't want to miss it, so join us for the tour and lunch on Sept. 17th and hear the new vision in person or check back with us online…soon and often!

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"Supporting Students in Fashion and The Arts"